5th Session- Creative Drama with Harry Potter- 6th May 2021
For the fifth session we started creative drama. The objective of this session and the next is to foster the creativity and imagination of our students and to create interest for the Literature, through the world of Harry Potter. We did first some drama games : 1.- Warming-to express things with your body: "Fresh coat of paint" and magic beans 2.-Freeze framing Harry Potter and the philosopher stone: in a group all the students represented five scenes of the first book of Harry Potter 3.- Then the students did indiviual scenario situations based on Harry Potter 4.- Students designed the images of their favourite animals for their own perfect Patronus. 5.-Students learnt about the four houses of Harry Potter which was used to learn some vocabulary in English. After that they were divided in different houses with a cupcake sorting hat ceremony 6.-Last activity, students performed in groups of three a scene of the class of Charm . They were Harry , Ron and Her...