
Seventh session: Elizabethan theatre- 1st June

  In this session we learnt a little bit about Elizabethan theatre and as it is normal we wanted to focus on Willian Shakespeare. We learnt the characteristics of the theatre of the time. But before all this our warm up today was based on a play of Willian Shakespeare , The Tempest. We watched the first scene ,the shipwreck than lying on the floor we explored how we felt under the music of the sea and waves.  We also watched a video to learn about Willian Shakespeare Then students individually worked on the creattion of a small scaled model of the Globe theatre. Using the following document:  Then time to perform. After watching a video of the BBC about the story of Romeo and Juliet , students performed the first scene of the play reading the script published by Brendan Kelso Romeo and Juliet

Sixth session - 18th May- SHADOWS THEATRE-HARRY POTTER

  Today we have done a short warm-up called "who is the dancing queen" . In this activity one student invents a short choreography and the rest imitate him,then another students has to guess who is the one who leads the choreography. It is a great activity to break the ice and to foster concentration and observation.  Then we learnt how to create shadows theatre . In group they did two tasks:  1.-a mini project of a well- known scene of Harry Potter 2.-a representation in shadows of an everyday object giving it a magic touch.  Both activities were great and students could show their knowledge of the book and develop their creativity Here are some videos of those performances:  Then in small groups they selected from the witch hat a name of one character , and adjective and an object, with these three elements they improvised a short dialogue in English. It was something funny and silly but they had a lot of fun To end our session, usung google docs , we wrote to...

5th Session- Creative Drama with Harry Potter- 6th May 2021

 For the fifth session we started creative  drama. The objective of this session and the next is to foster the creativity and imagination of our students and to create interest for the Literature, through the world of Harry Potter. We did first some drama games :  1.- Warming-to express things with your body: "Fresh coat of paint" and magic beans 2.-Freeze framing Harry Potter and the philosopher stone: in a group all the students represented five scenes of the first book of Harry Potter 3.- Then the students did indiviual scenario situations based on Harry Potter 4.- Students designed the images of their favourite  animals for their own perfect Patronus.  5.-Students learnt about the four houses of Harry Potter which was used to learn some vocabulary in English. After that they were divided in different houses with a cupcake sorting hat ceremony 6.-Last activity, students performed in groups of three a scene of the class of Charm . They were Harry , Ron and Her...

fourth session- teatro Maestranza 27th April

 Today we have visited the "teatro Maestranza". It was an amazing experience. At 4: 30 a hostess showed us around the theatre. We visited the different spaces around this amazing lyric theatre. And  then we watched the performance. "La pequeña flauta mágica". It was a great experience. 

Third session -13th Apriil

 For this third session we started with some activities of warming up, using music to foster body language, then we learned about the stage dairection s a the different part on a stage . With all this we did some games, like walking in differnt ways on the stage. Words learned were: tiptoe, glide, hop, grabwalk and moonwalk  Then we learnt about the theory of what is a Greek Chores , learning the use of it in the cinema. . To practise all learnt the students were divided in two groups and they created their own Greek Chorus with everyday routines. After that we performed , creating Greek Chorus 4 of the twelve trials of Hercules Last activity we did is an introduction to creative drama using Harry Potter's world. For this activity students watched a short segment of the scene were Harry receives a letter to go at Hogwards. Then they pretended being Harry trying to get his letter in different situations and Uncle Vernon. We will continue with Harry Potter's world in our next se...

2nd session -Going on with Greek theatre- 6th April 2021

 Today we continued with Greece . First we did some warming up activities , then we created our Greek masks and we finished performing in pantomime the twelve trials of Hercules. Our students were great . Congratulations to all. It's a great group!


 We started the first day with Greece. We travelled through the time and dressed in beautiful Greek costumes we learnt the basics of the origin of drama in Greece . We also did some drama games whose main aim was improving body language. Them we practiced feelings with vocabulary in English. Last activity of the day was creating a Greek mask , which we couldn't finish. . By the way,the best costumes were Rocío and Iria, the looked like real Greek women