Sixth session - 18th May- SHADOWS THEATRE-HARRY POTTER


Today we have done a short warm-up called "who is the dancing queen" . In this activity one student invents a short choreography and the rest imitate him,then another students has to guess who is the one who leads the choreography. It is a great activity to break the ice and to foster concentration and observation. 

Then we learnt how to create shadows theatre . In group they did two tasks: 

1.-a mini project of a well- known scene of Harry Potter

2.-a representation in shadows of an everyday object giving it a magic touch. 

Both activities were great and students could show their knowledge of the book and develop their creativity

Here are some videos of those performances: 

Then in small groups they selected from the witch hat a name of one character , and adjective and an object, with these three elements they improvised a short dialogue in English. It was something funny and silly but they had a lot of fun

To end our session, usung google docs , we wrote together an  play in five acts , the title "Harry Potter and the closure of Hogwarts. The play was performed as we created it : 



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